Nisha's Dinner with Sri Lankan Taste

uyskaog mqoa.,sl .=jka hdkhla
ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ;ukaf.a mqoa.,sl mßyrKh i|yd .=jka hdkhla wekjqï lr ;snqKd hehs udOH u.ska m%pdrh jqj;a isú,a .=jka fiajd lafIa;%fha by<u wdrxÑ ud¾. j,ska adaderanabiz fõí wvúh fj; wkdjrKh jkafka tjeks fjkuu .=jka hdkhla wekjqï lr fkd;snQ njhs' ld,fha§ Y%S ,xlka .=jka thd¾nia iud.fuka .=jka hdkd ñ,§ .ekSfï§ .=jka hdkd iu. fkdñf,a m%N= meflachla ^VIP Kit& wvx.= lr ;sfnkafka .=jka hdkd lsysmhla ñ,§ .ekSfï§ ,ndfok jrm%idohla f,ihs' fjku .=jka hdkhla wekjqï lr ;snqKd hehs i|yka lr ;sfnkafka fuu m%N= meflachg úh hq;=h' flfiafj;;a" m%N= meflachla hkq .=jka hdkhla fkdjk w;r th .=jka hdkhl wdik lsysmhla .,jd .=jka hdkhlg iúlrk myiqlï j,ska msß l=áhls'

fuu m%N= meflach ^VIP Kit& fjkqfjka thd¾nia úiska fvd,¾ ñ,shk 15 l ñ,la olajd ;sfnkafka .=jka hdkd .ekSfï§ fkdñf,a ysñjk uQ,Huh jdisfha m%udKh fmkajd§u i|ydhs' m%N= meflach ^VIP Kit& bj;a lsÍfuka uqo,a ,nd.ekSug fkdyels w;r l< yelafla ta fjkqfjka thd¾nia iud.u ksmojk fjk;a ksIamdokhla b,a,d .ekSu muKs' .=jka hdkhla fkdjk fuu m%N= meflach ms<sn|j kj rcfha w;=re whjeh u.skao lreKq olajd ;sfnkafka fufiahs'

zzmdvq ,nk Y%S ,xlka .=jka fiajh uE;l§ isÿlrk ,o .=jka hdkd ñ,§ .ekSï ;j;a wkjYH kdia;sldÍ úhouls' fuu .=jka hdkd i|yd weußldkq fvd,¾ ñ,shk 15 la ^remsh,a ì,shk 1'95 la& jákd m%N= meflachla wvx.= lr we;s w;r th fkdñf,a msßkud we;' fuys§ u;=jk .egÆj jkafka m%N= meflach fkdue;sj fuu .=jka hdkdfõ ñ, idlÉPd iïuq;s u.ska wvqlr .ekSug lghq;= fkdlsÍuhs'ZZ

“The recent Air Bus purchases made by the loss making national Air Line brings out another wanton exercise of utter waste where a VIP kit had been attached valued at US$ 15 million offered free of charge. Whereas a question could be asked as to why the cost had not been renegotiated without including luxury equipment or is it another episode under the mega deal category.“

fuu moku u; Y%S ,xlka .=jka fiajfha Wiiau ks<Odßfhl=f.a Wmfoia wkqj fuu m%N= meflach ^VIP Kit& ,nd.ekSu k;r lr ;sfnk w;r wm fj; wkdjrKh jkafka fuys jákdlug thd¾ nia úiska ksmojk fjk;a ksIamdok ,nd.; yelsoehs Y%S ,xlka fidhd n,ñka isák njhs' thd¾nia iud.fï fjí wvúfha i|yka jk mßÈo fuu m%N= meflach ^VIP Kit& .=jka hdkhla fkdfõ' th .=jka hdkh we;=<; meh 08 lska iúl< yels myiqlï j,ska imsß fjkuu l=áhls'

fuu l=áfha myiqlï iys; oaú;aj wdik 06 la muK ;sìh yelsnj thd¾nia i|yka lr we;' fuu m%N= meflach ^VIP Kit& ms<sn|j thd¾nia fjí wvúfha f;dr;=re i|yka jkafka my; mßÈhs'