The white thread that fell on to Polonnaruwa area is from outer space

fmdf,dkakrejg jegqkq iqÿkQ,a ñysmsg tajd fkdfjhs
miq.shod fmdf<dkakrej m%foaYhg wyiska m;s; jQ iqÿ kQ,a jeks øõh .ek mÍlaIK lghq;= tx.,ka;fha ldä*a úYaj úoHd,fha uydpd¾h pkaød úl%uisxy uy; m%uqL m¾fhaIK lKavdhu mÍlaIK wdrïN lr we;’

tu kq,a ñysmsg øjhhkag iudklula fkdolajk neúka fuh ldä*a úYajúoHd,fha mÍlaIK ioyd heùug fi!LH wud;HxYh ;SrKh lr ;sìk’