Investigations to find out who made the picture which caused for the FB death

l=reKe., isiqúh uerjQ FaceBook mska;+rh yeÿ wh fidhd fufyhqï
f*ianqla iudc cd,fha m, jQ mska;+rhla fya;= lr f.k ish osú kid .;a l=reKE., fcdaka fld;,dj, úÿyqf,a fjkQId bukaos nKavdr isiqúhf.a isoaêhg uq,a jQ PhdrEmh ks¾udKh lr th f*aia nqla msgqjg tla lsÍu isÿ lf<a ljqoehs fy<s lr .ekSug mÍlaIKhla wdrïN fldg we;ehs fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldß wð;a frdayK uy;d mjihs’

isiqúhf.a PhdrEmh ilia lf<a ljqo th f*aia nqla msgqjg uqod yeßfha ljqo hkak fuu.ska wkdjrKh lr.; yels jkq we;ehs fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd lshhs’ fuu isoaêh uq,alrf.k mdif,aoS isiqúhg we;s jQ nj lshk wmyiq;djka iïnkaOfhka mdif,a 15 fofkl=f.ka muK <ud wdrlaIl wêldßh m%ldY igyka lrf.k we;s nj o fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd i|yka lrhs’